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Are you ready for your NEXT ACT? 


Are you a forward-thinking business and want to support your professionals in making a successful transition out of their primary career to their next act? Think of the positive impact that will have for the individuals
and for you.


Are you contemplating retirement or already retired and feeling the weight of what you will do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis? 
Yes, you finally have to time to do what you always dreamed of doing.
Now what?


The  purpose of Next Act Unlimited  is to promote positive aging by raising awareness and sharing information, To that end, we invite you to explore the guides, articles, tools and links on the resource page.


Do you know successful professionals who are thinking about or have recently retired
and are seriously thinking about what’s next? 
Through our workshops and coaching, we help current and future retirees create
fulfilling and compelling futures. 


Imagine, you are a recently retired partner. You are one of the smart and lucky ones—you
planned carefully for the financial aspects of retirement, and had plans to travel, work as a

docent at a museum, and teach at a university. Then Covid hit!  All these exciting plans had

to be put on hold. Now you are left with lots of time and no purposeful scheduled activities.

Not what you pictured retirement to be!  We can help! By facilitating your identifying what you

value most, finding actionable ways to express those under these confined circumstances, and

how to schedule the important activities into each day, we can rescue the joy you were hoping

to find in your next act. 
Do you know anyone who is facing challenges in making their next years their best years? 

Thanks for submitting!

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